TEABALLS sind in Tablettenform gepresste Pflanzenextrakte sowie natürliche Aromen. Sie sind in heißem und kaltem Wasser löslich und ergeben dadurch ein Tee-ähnliches Getränk.
TEABALLS sind in unserem Onlineshop, über den Einzelhandel wie bspw. Kaufland und auf Amazon erhältlich. In unserem Storefinder findest du eine Übersicht der Kaufland Filialen.
TEABALLS are made from 100% plant extracts. They do not contain any additives. The extract content of soluble tea is only about 40%. It also contains sugar, dextrose, sweeteners, flavorings and / or stabilizers.
Plant extracts are gently brewed fruits and plants from which the water is then removed so that only the purely natural powder remains.
Unsere TEABALLS bestehen aus hochreinen Pflanzen-Extrakten und lösen sich in heißem und kaltem Wasser rückstandfrei auf. Bei der Bio-Variante verpressen wir den reinen Bio- oder Arzneitee direkt, so dass beim Auflösen wie bei naturtrüben Apfelsaft ein kleiner Bodensatz entsteht, welcher jedoch trinkbar ist. Die Bio-Variante ist besonders aromatisch und nachhaltig produziert (CO2 neutral, volle Verwertung der Pflanze). Die Bio-Sorten sind nur in heißem Wasser löslich.
Ideal für zu Hause, im Geschäft oder für unterwegs. Die TEABALLS sind kalorienfrei, zuckerfrei, vegan, laktosefrei, glutenfrei und für Diabetiker geeignet.
TEABALLS Bio heißt: nur das Beste aus der Pflanze. Und das Besondere daran ist, dass alles in der Tasse bleibt. Nach dem Auflösen der Balls in heißem Wasser entsteht ein Bodensatz, der sich schnell absetzt aber auch bedenkenlos mitgetrunken werden kann. So hat man alle Inhaltsstoffe, die ihre volle Wirkung entfalten können. Die Bio-Sorten sind nur in heißem Wasser löslich.
- Rothenberger Herb Mix
- Lavender
- Jasmine Green Tea
- Fennel
- Sage
- Camomile
- Mint
- Rooibos
- Ginger
- Eucalyptus
- Echinacea
- Honeybush
- Breastfeeding tea
- Lemongrass
- Sencha Green Tea
- Lemon balm
- Good morning tea
- Chai Latte
- Hemp 2% CBD
- Ceylon Black Tea
- Winter Balls
The manufacturing process first begins with the plant from which the extracts are to be obtained. Exclusively selected leaves of the plant then enter a gentle steam extraction process that preserves all the valuable ingredients. The powder is then processed and pressed into the typical tablet form. This is followed by refining and quality control, where the teaballs are dusted and tested for size, weight and solubility.
Versandkostenfreie Bestellung ab 30€ innerhalb Deutschlands.
DHL Paket Lieferfrist voraussichtlich 1-3 TageDHL Warenpost voraussichtlich 3-5 Tage
Use 2-5 teaballs per cup, depending on taste, and dissolve them in hot or cold water. Stirring speeds up the process, although it may take a little longer with cold water. Teaballs, by the way, can also be added to cocktail recipes and used in cooking or baking. With a dispenser, depending on the dosage, you can prepare 30-50 drinks. With a glass bottle, it is on average about 50 cups. TIP for preparation with hot water: first put the Teaballs into the cup and only then add the steaming water. The steam can be drawn into the dispenser the other way around.
After opening, they should be consumed within 3 months. Originally packed they will last at least 365 days. See "best before" on the outer packaging.
Oh no, TEABALLS are incredibly versatile. For example, the varieties from the Black Edition dissolve without residue even in cold water and can be used for the preparation of iced tea. The dissolving process for alcoholic beverages such as cocktails, wine or sparkling wine is also possible. However, both Teaballs BLACK and TEABALLS pure nature can also be used for cooking or baking. It is only important that the TEABALLS are previously dissolved in a small sip of (hot) water and then added to sauce, yogurt or the like. And if it may be the small refreshment for in between: Try our fruity TEABALLS but as a lozenge.
But of course! All our varieties can be perfectly combined with each other. In this way, many great recipes can be created. Especially in summer, you can create many great summer drinks by mixing the varieties. For example, the Earl Grey and Mint varieties can be used very well as a base, which can then be refined with fruity varieties such as Wild Berry, strawberry or cherry.
Many varieties of tea are known for their special and beneficial effects. We also have some of these varieties in our assortment. For example, chamomile is particularly beneficial for the stomach and intestines. Mint is known to be very analgesic and antispasmodic. Sage, on the other hand, has a particularly anti-inflammatory effect, especially in the mouth and throat. Rooibos is known to strengthen the immune system and can help with sleep disorders, as well as relaxation problems. Fennel can help you especially well with bloating / flatulence and thus has a digestive effect. Ginger is known as the perfect immune booster, strengthening your defenses and immune system. But also nettle is said to have a special effect, it promotes blood circulation and supports joint pain.
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You can log in to your customer account at any time using the same user icon. With a click on the button "Login" you can start shopping.
When buying TEABALLS, you can choose between a one-time delivery or a subscription. Especially for your favorite TEABALLS variety, the subscription and regular delivery is worth it. You can have them delivered regularly and without thinking about it at intervals of 7, 30, 60 or 90 days and always save 15%.
Regionality and sustainability are particularly close to our hearts, but social responsibility also plays a major role for us. For this reason, we manufacture the TEABALLS here on site in our region, the beautiful Main-Kinzig district. Our innovative technology also enables us to save resources. We only need 10% of the resources that are comparatively required for the production of a tea bag.
Thanks to the packaging we have chosen in practical glass bottles and dosing dispensers, the TEABALLS are always packed in a small package that can be stored neatly and in a space-saving way. So say goodbye to the chaos in your kitchen cupboard that was previously caused by unwieldy tea bag packaging. Due to the small packaging, the TEABALLS even fit in your pocket and are perfect for traveling.
We are sorry that you do not like your order. As described in the cancellation policy, the cancellation period is 14 days. Only items that are unopened and in their original packaging can be returned. The buyer is responsible for the return costs.
3 € Warenpost
5 € Paket
ab 30 € Versandkostenfrei
6,50 € Versandkostenpauschale - ab 50 € Versandkostenfrei
We ship by DHL.
Die aktuelle Lieferzeit beträgt voraussichtlich 2-4 Tage.
Versandkostenfreie Bestellung ab 30€ innerhalb Deutschlands.
If you have a discount code from us, you can enter it on the way to checkout in the last step "Payment". Before that, all your data regarding delivery address etc. must be entered. After that you will be automatically redirected to the last tab by clicking on the "Next" button. Now you can enter your discount in the field "Gift card or discount code" and confirm it by clicking on the button "Apply".